Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Topsy Turvy

This is insane... It's 3 a.m. and I'm still trying to understand my boss' comments that he want to be put forward during tomorrow's thingy. The thingy that starts at 9.00 a.m. tomorrow morning. And by virtue of the location which is dead center in town, I would be taking the train, which means that I would have to be out by 7.30 unless I want to be caught in a jam and arriving late.

Had to surrender laptop for reformatting yesterday afternoon. Which meant by the time I got it back it was 7.00 pm. By the time I set the Outlook, it was already 8.00. Had a few frustrating moments, but at least laptop runs properly now. Good thing Plaxo stored my address book, calendar and stuff, so I at least I got back half the data I lost. By the time I got home it was ten. Was so tired I couldn't be buggered to feed myself. Made do with calling P to whine and complain. Sorry, dear, that's what you get when you're nice to cranky people like me. Will make up for it, promise. Conked out on the sofa, dragged myself up to bed, then woke up because I was hungry... Saba ajelah. Ate whatever I could find in the fridge and now I'm blogging instead of reading the all-important comments I need to spew out tomorrow. This is like cramming for a test pulak. Or I got infected by tai-kor's modus operandi - working thru the night.

Bleargh... gotta go. Will get back to normal schedule soon, I hope...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why dont you link to then a lot more ppl would read about it