I have to admit, I'm no economist. I'm totally blur about the workings of international business and how one thing affects another. But as a user, I suffer, so I have to think about it, whether I like it or not. Kalau dulu isi RM30 lebih 1/2 tangki, sekarang RM30 kurang 1/2 tangki. Kalau dulu I isi full tank every 2 weeks about RM70, now full tank dah dekat seratus! Banyak beza tu...
Yang I tau, minyak naik je, harga barang pun for sure melambung2 mencanak2 naik. Nasib baik la aku ni keja kat rumah, makan kat rumah. Boleh la cuba control sikit belanja tu. Itu pun sekarang dah tak mampu dah nak beli olive oil ke, cheese ke. Camana la orang yang keja ofis makan kat kedai, ya? Harga nasi lemak tepi jalan pun dah naik 30 sen. Nasi campur tak tau la. Sedangkan ayam mentah sekor dah berbelas2 ringgit... masa aku kecik dulu sekor baru lima enam ringgit je. Even when I start keja and go marketing pun, ayam sekor kurang sepuluh ringgit. Budget pasar seminggu lebih kurang RM50, macam-macam boleh beli. Sekarang ni, RM50 dapat bare minimum aje. Harga air jangan cakap la. Tergezut bayar milo ais dua ringgit. Apa dia taruh 100g milo ke satu cawan? Cekik darah punya mamak!
So nak buat macam mana? Gaji bukannya boleh naik overnight. Like me, boleh la charge tinggi sikit for assignments. Tapi bukannya boleh charge lebih sangat, companies pun nak jaga budget jugak. Salah siapa? It's a worldwide thing. Everyone dari Asia ke Afrika & Europe terjejas. Satu dunia hadapi masalah. Apa puncanya?
One of the things I heard is - ini kerja speculators Amerika. Are they the culprit? Diorang dah rugi bergazilion dok menyebok kat Iraq, they suffer the subprime crisis, now they're trying to make everyone else suffer, izzit? Dulu masa orang buat main duit kita, Dr M peg our money to the USD. Now USD dah jatuh, and somehow causing oil prices to rise, what are we going to do?
Kalau difikirkan, tak logik, right? People are producing oil using their own resources at a certain cost. For what reason is the oil price rising? It's not scarcity. Kalau nak kira scarcity, by 1970s projection, oil would have finished by now. But people are finding new oil fields. Output is not compromised. What is the REAL REASON harga minyak naik?
Kalau semua negara2 pengeluar minyak tak ada masalah mengeluarkan minyak, demand is normal, why SHOULD prices rise? And WHY is the world oil prices controlled by the USD? Why can't we sell by normal market forces? What is happening? Seriously. Should everyone in the world allow one F**king nation to screw everything up because THEY screwed themselves? Seriously, I'm all for fairness and equality. Put a real value on things. All this speculation and futures and stuff are just BS innit? Why should we go along with it? It doesn't make sense.
Someone enlighten me, please?