Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Nasi Goreng Nyai

While we're on the topic of food...

One of my favourite breakfast foods is nasi goreng, made from the previous night’s leftover rice. In KL, it’s hard to find a nasi goreng kampung that can match my Nyai’s in terms of taste and heartiness. Let me share the recipe for the ultimate nasi goreng kampung with you :-)


3 cawan nasi putih

½ biji bawang besar
3 ulas bawang merah
2 ulas bawang putih
1 biji cili merah
3 biji cili padi
Sejemput ikan bilis (rendam dulu, biar lembut)
½ sudu teh garam

1 senduk Minyak masak (agak2 la byk mana)
1 biji telur (optional)

Ulam (optional)


  1. Make sure you have nasi to digoreng, and also the other ingredients la
  2. Tumbuk/ kisar bahan B
  3. Panaskan minyak. Tumis bahan B yang dah dikisar sampai naik baunya.
  4. Masukkan nasi. Gaul rata. Kalau kering sangat tambah air sikit.
  5. Tambah telur, kalau nak.
  6. Goreng sampai masak.
  7. Makan dengan ulam, preferably something manis to offset the pedasness. Contoh: jambu air, kacang panjang, epal, tembikai…

Senang je, kan? Amt of cili can adjust, but must have the ikan bilis. Lagi pedas lagi best…

Serves 4 - depending on appetites...

He he he. Selamat mencuba! ;)

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