Saturday, November 19, 2005

The Winds of Change

It's been 3 days since I started at CETDEM, and a lot of things has changed. It's not exactly much better or worse, just different.

I used to leave at ten in the mornings and come back after seven. Now I come in at nine sharp and get lost by five sharp. In a way, it's good. I waste less time trying to drag myself out of bed when I sleep early in anticipation of waking up early too. The office is so close to home that i'm tempted to start cycling to work. If only the LDP is not so scarily full of cars zooming to get their drivers to work on time at 8.30 in the morning!!

Technologically, I'm still in a daze. My boss is not too sure he wants me to use my own laptop for work as he believes work data should remain in the office. He wont even allow books to be taken home for reading. For someone who used to work at home, this is not easy, especially since we do not usually stay back since the office also happens to be the boss' own house. Bila I nak read- up once the days get busy with urgent work?

He also insists on keeping old data on Dbase IV. I'm worried the computer may die and the data cannot be read on other platforms. Cringe! Time to give Sali a call and see if she has any solutions to offer.

I share the project notebook with my Technical Coordinator, and we download emails once a day. No kidding. And the internet line is upstairs in the boss' office, so takde can la nak main2. Most of the PCs are on Windows 98 too, so I have to be careful about data compatibility when transferring documents from my laptop.

My TC is semi computer phobic. What kind of guy la is this? Sabar ajelah. And he managed to tai-chi website management to me. woo hoo. nanti aku buat blog karang, baru tau!! Err... anyone can help me learn web-mgmt, ah? Time to check my list of kakis and rope in some assistance.

And being an NGO specialising in energy management and issues, we have to be mega careful about wasting electricity and fossil fuels (petrol lah). I have to read up tons of stuff about global warming, CO2 emissions and how they would affect our children. The office has no aircon, but had some renovations made so it is still pleasantly cooler than the outside. I'm going to specialize in space cooling and energy audits once I finish my stint here... :D

In a way, it's good my new boss is so picky about these things. So I work harder to get everything done before five, and I can happily get home by five-thirty to cook for the husband and kids. Ooops... I mean to get online and satisfy my internet cravings. :p

Cheers, guys. Have a great weekend ahead!!

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