Monday, March 10, 2008

Necessity or Gluttony?

One of my projects hit a snag today, And I discovered that I had forgotten to pick up something from Subang on Friday. Damn. Went whining to a friend, and got the cepumas question - why did you take on so much work?

Adoi... How to answer?

Well, for starters, they did not all come in at the same time. And they were not all new. One had been languishing on the back burner since November last year. I thought it was kaput oredy until I got that phone call. One just got confirmed recently, but deadline for 1st installment is on the 15th. And the latest one was just too good to resist.

Unfortunately, the deadlines are all a little tight... I can finish one project tonight, and continue the other after work tomorrow. Start on the other afterwards? Eeps. Well, actually the actual deadline is not this week for everything. It's just that they're on top of each other, sort of.

But some other things also kacauing my schedule. There's that Tekad thing to organise, and sister in law wants to go to D'Pengkalan. In the end tai-chied that one back to her. Can layan the Tekad list soon. But Ziad owes me the KL and Selangor list lah... Then I haven't looked at what to do for the kids's session at RWW...

Aahh.. Um.. Oh oh. Methinks I AM in over my head after all.. Shoot. Will need to deal with that problem with editor and maybe schedule a reshoot (God, I hope not!)

But then, I NEED work, don't I? Especially if I want to quit part-time job and concentrate on writing & translation. Isk. There's only one thing to do - buckle up and deal with all this mess. You've done this before, you can do it again. Tarik nafas...

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