Thursday, February 21, 2008

Moving On...

Alhamdulillah, the year is looking up, despite a slow start. I'm hoping that things will fall into place now, and I won't get quite so many idiotic problems cropping up. Or at least, let me be able to deal with those that do. Small things can be a pain if you don't have enough resources to nip it in the bud. Some might laugh at the nonsense I moan about, but not everyone gets big fat bonuses at the end of the year.

There's more work coming in, and I've sent the laptop for a checkup this morning. Hopefully, it can still be fixed. I'm aware that new laptops are cheap these days, but I've become comfortable with the HP machine. Anyway, electronic waste is a major environmental hazard, and I'd rather not contribute to the mounds of toxic waste accumulating in dumpsites everywhere. After so many months stuck on the PC, I think it's high time I go back to laptops. Am not much good at sharing computer with housemate; hard drive space is too limited and our preferences are too far different. Anyway, it's good to have a portable computer, especially when having to work off-site.

Am still feeling a bit sore after extraction of a problematic wisdom tooth yesterday, but happy that dentist was good, so I didn't suffer overly much. Dude was easy on the eye, and bill was not too unkind to the wallet. Would have suffered less if I hadn't got a crappy gomen dentist in KJ a year ago. He acted as if I made the problem up and practically shooed me out of the chair. Duh! maybe he gets lots of slackers looking for an MC kot. Hrmph!

Feeling pretty good, though. Should push through all the remaining odds and ends and enjoy the weekend for a change. :-)

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