Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Today Matters...

It's almost 2.00 a.m. and I'm blogging. My table is littered with overflowing IN and IN-Progress trays, plate, unread books, tudung and misc odds and ends. There's about a million little things that need to be done around the house and I have about a million emails, articles, and other things to read. There are email discussions, pissed volunteers, work and god knows what else to deal with.

Mungkin Nanti is playing in the background. Jack is in my empty out tray and Pseudo is on the other chair. My head is still full of memories from the UTP Career Roadshow and my heart is filled with joy. Will start doing whatever needs to be done today. Guess anything is possible when you're feeling so up. Hope everyone is as happy as I am too. Mwaah!! Luv you guys!

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