Monday, April 13, 2009


I'll admit that I'm not the most 'normal' person in the whole world, but when people who were supposed to be my friends suddenly turn a cold shoulder, it bothers me. I know a lot of people think I'm less than wonderful. I'm fine with that. But why the sudden iciness? We haven't been friends only yesterday... And I have no idea what brought it on!

So on one hand I feel like asking "What's going on?"; and on the other I feel like saying, "Go fly kite!" Seriously, are we in school again? Are you like some other people who are so insecure that for some strange reason think I'm interested in your husband? Please la. I knew yr husband before you started sleeping with him. If he had other girls, it never had anything to do with me.

I guess there could be a million and one reasons why she suddenly turned funny, but it would be interesting to know why. Think I'm imagining things? Well, if someone never bothers to pick up my calls, and never has the courtesy to call back, it's rude. To be cut off when it rings, it's downright insulting. Urgh. Whatever...


Enche Bon said...

When common sense prevails, only then we'll live in a much better world :) have a good week ahead!


Paus Biru said...

Thanks, bro. Am off to Langkawi tomorrow. Woo hoo!