Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Back to the Grindstone...

Raya holidays over, have started back at work and MAN! Is there a lot of work to do!! My other assignments are coming in as well, plus yang lama tu nak disiapkan. In between social obligations and work commitments, I'm back to depending on my good old friend, Mr C(affeine) to keep moving. Plus, MUST make time for the gym, because for some strange reason, physical activity actually boosts my energy while too much rest makes me as lemau as kacang goreng tepung masuk angin... Also, because I'm writing a story on Power Jump, a newfangled thing brought in by Celeb Fitness just launched last month; and I happily promised the instructor I'd show my face in class one of these days... Adeh... Have to do double duty this month pasal banyak keja tergugat bulan lepas... Hmm... Bukan senang nak senang, ya?

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