Saturday, July 26, 2008

Time Flies..

Took a peek at Izreen's blog and saw that it was already her 3rd anniversary. Inky tomelion besar oredy. Realised that it's been almost 4 years since Tekad Selangor. A lot of time has passed. Have i got anywhere, relationship wise? Sad to say, it's a big, fat NO.

Malay guys I liked - never worked out. Been hanging out with Pakcik for 2 years, more or less. Want Malay/Muslim guy, but go lepak with bule. Why? Coz no one ever asked me out. Ye la, Malay guy like that la. Cari yang lawa2, muda2. No one ever tried to look deeper. Not supportive, not caring. Just want ultra gedik budak kecik to bawak kulu kilir. heh. Yg dah kawin pun, just looking for trouble. Cheh!

I know la I tak cantik. But I baik what.. Bukan I nak orang tanggung pun. Just need someone to share life's up and downs. At least Pakcik wants to spend time with me. He's supportive and nice. But we're only friends. This isn't ever going to go anywhere. So how?


Cosmic_GurL said...

Oza, dont la say like that. Takyah carik Malay from other races pun kalau dibimbing dgn betul can be good Muslims :)

Paus Biru said...

Ya la, kan? But I doubt this Pakcik is heading that way. Just wait & see lah..