Tuesday, July 01, 2008


I've been a bit lembap for the past one week. Well, a little more lembap than usual la. Been having sort of a almost flu + slightly sore throat + kind of demam2 air + a bit of batuk2... Don't even know what it is. Just hope it's not one of those things which are deceptively mild, then make you end up in the hospital!

Been so blur2 that I can't even play Scrabble anymore. In addition to getting the most terror and ganas players on the net, my tiles are all crap, and my poor brain can't come up with a single decent word to play. In the end, I just leave it hanging. Nasib la. I just can't THINK right now. Nasib baik can still work. Yeah, work is less taxing than play, can you believe it?

Will need to get over this soon. I'm too lazy/ tired/ sick to clean up, and the dustiness is getting to me. Sabar ajelah.

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