Monday, March 12, 2007


Tolong! Turunkan aku dari sini...

My sis calls these 2 Kiki and Lala - as in the popular children's clothing line. For the life of me, I can't tell which is which. They're doing well without their mama, have been toilet trained and just waiting for that woman to come pick them up. Just hope she doesn't change her mind and come up with some lame excuse not to take them in, because then I'd have to go around looking for adoptors lagi sekali. I can't keep them because the other 3 tak ngam, so I have to sit in the kitchen and supervise at mealtimes to make sure everyone gets to eat. And now the other 3 are sitting outside probably bitching about the kits who are taking over the whole house, plus me, the beloved Queen Mother. Or maybe they call me "that woman who takes the trouble to feed and scratch our ears". Whatever.

Right now the idiots are clambering over EVERYTHING. Even my bare legs. Ouch. This was taken at around 2 in the morning, when I was just finishing up with THEIR dishes. Was already cranky because I wanted to sleep, but I didn't want to leave dirty things in the sink. THEY wanted to play outside, but I was worried the stray dogs might get them. They hate being sequestered in the kitchen, probably because it was warm and humid from the dryer exhaust. I just needed to make sure they don't have any 'accidents' in the living room, because, obviously, it's extra work.

At the moment, my living room is devoid of carpet because it's easier to clean the floor than the carpet. Obviously. But then it looks so togel and unwelcoming... And with all my running around, the floor pun tak sempat nak mop. My stuff from CETDEM belum put away. Need a plumber. Bills nak bayar... bla di bla di bla.

End of this week kena stay in a hotel la pulak. And have to hobnob with senior auditors and consultants. Gotta look sharp... There's a price to pay for being a professional. Or trying to be one. You gotta look smart, and some things, especially clothes, don't come cheap. It's not enought to come in early and stay back late to get yr work done on time especially when you're still learning the ropes. Oh well, it's what I want, so gotta pay the price la. Can't complain there.

Have a good week ahead, peeps!

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