If you look closely at the photo, there is one white kitten and 4 tabbies. The lightest tabby is the 'adopted' one. Mama is all white with one blue and one yellow eyes.
The mama came to my house during raya and never went away. I was hoping that she'd move on, but no such luck... Before I could fix her, she was already preggers. The daddy-o is a neighbour's persian tabby who comes over often. So babies are bulat and have silky, thick, Persian fur.
All you have to do is make sure they're fixed early on, and you'll be spared over-population problems. Cats are easily toilet trained and make affectionate pets. They don't cost that much to feed and don't need to be walked or meticulously groomed.
I'd hate to send them to SPCA, where they might be put down if they're not adopted within a certain timeframe; but I really can't handle any more cats in the house. 3 is already stretching it...
I really need to find homes for these babies. As a very, very, very last resort, I'd have to send them to SPCA. So please, please help me find homes for these kitties.
Leave a message here or on the taggie and i'll get back to you ASAP.