Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Escaping the "Dungeon"

Felt queasy this morning and it wasn't helped any by the stuffiness of the office. Rick & Tina had termed the space where we normally work as 'the dungeon' due to its stifling airlessness and lack of natural lighting.

Needed to find stuff online anyway. Since old man didn't like people surfing for long periods of time, decided to branch off into personal office - at home. Easier while he was away. He he he... Phone battery had also died and perversely, was not allowed to charge in the office. More reason to work from home :-)

Picked up Anis from school, then headed to the home office. Air is slightly stinky but at least there's plenty of oxygen circulating. Anyway I felt OK as long as I didn't move about too much, surfing is all right la.

Took care of some emailing, comments and phone calls before calling to check if boss was in. He was a bit gruff at first, but full reporting took care of it. He he. The old guy is all right actually, just a little old fashioned. Have you heard of SOHO's, Boss? You have one, I have one too!!

In any case, better get the things done now. If not I can't justify my timeline pulak... :-) Cheers, guys. Have a good week ahead!!

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