Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Here again..

Masa yang paling tak best adalah menunggu giliran di KKM KD.

Alhamdulillah hari ni dapat MO yang pandai sikit amik darah, tak sakit. Lepas drop rekod, makan kat kedai sebelah dapat decent price.  Tapi naik tunggu giliran, agak lambat dan ada anak siapa ntah terpekik terlolong macam aku zaman budak2 dulu.  Bingit sehhh..

Agak bosan pasal visual test tu sempoi gila. Apa pekdah pon tak tau la. Blood reading have been quite bad. Hrmph. Tak best.

Grab also giving me problems on top of my increasingly damaged car... so tak best.

Now considering to buy a used PC for photo processing purposes. Abah's laptop is too slow and the tab pun has limited disc space. I need something that can work fast and hook up to the big monitor. Used PCs are cheaper than new laptops. I really need to get ahead with freelance work by January. Saw a few potentials on Carousell... maybe I can korek some tabungs to buy one.

I'm happy enough with the tab for meeting minutes and simple excel files, but it lacks connectivity for photo processing. Actually boleh, I je yang tak produktif kat rumah... kan??

Everything feels uncoordinated and disorganised :( I need to get on top of things.

1.15 p.m. Discovered that everyone disappears for lunch at 1.00 pm, except for tge poor doctors and one lone pharmacist. Couldn't get meds first because I need to set appt so that they can calculate the amount of meds to dole out.

They'll only be back at 2 pm. It will take at least 30 minutes to set appt and get meds before I can go home. I need to pray and save meds before I can go cari makan, IF I decide to go drive... Hadoi... life can be so difficult sometimes.

I really should use the laptop to work on, but seriously tak best pakai that slow relic. Some more, not enough space to work on. Tak best bawak masuk bilik pasal shared resource tapi kat luar panas. Sigh. A decision needs to be made soon...

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