Sunday, June 16, 2013


Sent Nemo balik kampung semalam and finally got my room back, sans kitty litter. Have rearranged room to normal, changed sheets and put away clothes. When the offending tray was there, I barely wanted to be in the room, and many papers and stuff weren't put away properly. Nak semayang pun macam tak konfiden bilik bersih :(

On the other hand, felt very guilty about sending her away. It's not that I don't want to care for her. In a way, I'm worried that i'm the only one with the patience to deal with her silly, clingy ways. It didn't reassure me much to see K Maria's legion of starving babies being ignored while she visited with us. Guess I'm too much of a city girl to get along with the kampong's laissez faire ways. Tak nak mandulkan the kitties and just feed 12 cats the same amount of food you spare for 3. I may be making assumptions here, but I'm not too encouraged by what I saw. I hope Abg Ajis and family will be more responsible with Nemo. At least she can roam and have more people layaning her there. She's already fixed, so at least there won't be a problem of unwanted babies. I'll have to send over food and maybe money if I want to make sure she's well fed.

But then, my idiots here are just wasting a lot of food that they refuse to eat if it doesn't suit their tastebuds. Spoilt brats, huh? I didn't have much choice since I got sick breathing in polluted air for 2 months, and she needed space to roam and exercise. She was just eating and sleeping in my room, and it was difficult to take care of everyday stuff with a kitty litter in the way. It may be just under the table, but the smell was everywhere! Even when it was cleared, there was still a leetle stink to remind you that it's there.

I had to face the fact that Nemo was never going to be integrated with the rest of the brats. We should be moving this year, and puasa is coming, I just couldn't deal with the disruption anymore. So I sent her away and hope for a better life for the both of us. I hope I did the right thing. Things are pretty good over here, hope it's as good for her there too. 

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