Saturday, February 05, 2011

And Here's Why We Shouldn't Read Horrorscopes...

OX: (1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997)

The Ox had a smooth-sailing year in 2010, but 2011 will be the reverse. Not only does he not have the guidance of auspicious stars, the Ox this year is surrounded by small disaster stars. This is a year of fluctuating luck.

MONEY: Wealth is neither much or little. Whatever money gained may be lost in various ways. Refrain from all high-risk investments. Resort to low-risk investments such as fixed deposits. Although the returns are low, it is better than nothing.

HEALTH: Health is also so-so, but be extra cautious when going out so as to avoid any unforeseen circumstances. The presence of a sadness star may affect the health of old people and children at home. Try to avoid funerals or visiting the sick in hospitals, as doing so will suppress your luck.

LOVE: It's poor peach blossom luck this year. No romance luck for singles. For those who are in love, avoid arguments with your loved ones. Maintain a good rapport with your partners, as this will help you de-stress and build good relationships with those you love.

CAREER: The inauspicious violent star will bring obstacles at the workplace. For those planning to set up their own business, it's better to put the idea on hold first. You need to prepare and plan well before embarking on any business for the right timing, or the bad star may bring you misfortune in your venture.

REMEDY: Be more objective when handling anything. Watch out for enemies who may bring accusations against you. Be extra careful when working or driving to avoid mistakes or mishaps.

Read more: What's in store for the animal in you

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