Saturday, February 07, 2009

Gym alternative

Came home after meeting a friend and proceeded to trim my garden back into a semblance of order. Haven't had any time to deal with gardens and floors of late, when I was up to my eyeballs with work day in, day out, weekday, everyday...

It felt good to forget about files and papers and dictionaries for a while. It was a little sweaty and uncomfortable (I was in a black shirt). I got pricked a lot - man, bougainvillea thorns are vicious - but it felt good. Feels way better than paying too much money for a gym membership which I would probably underutilize. Working on the garden is real to me. I come close to the plants and the soil and the earth. I could smell the freshness of the leaves, mustiness of compost and the scent of the kenanga blooms. It's therapy!

Maybe there's some truth to that sickly, unhappy girl being rejuvenated by bringing the garden back to life in in the children's classic Secret Garden. My reward - fresh organic papayas from the tree next to my compost heap. It's a gift from God... It grew from some old seeds I must have thrown with the rest of the kitchen waste. I'm pretty useless when it comes to making plants germinate at will. Went inside when it got dark and got stuck watching some kids' show on Disney. There's always that inner child inside us, I believe :D

Went up to a semi-uncluttered room. Had made time to clear my dumping table (that means the table where I dump all my stuff as I enter the room) this morning before I went out. Still need to put away stuff I found in the filing cabinet. Will do that later. Like next week. I think I'll stuff my clothes into the washer and deal with the laundry before I take a shower and continue with work. Yeah, I have to work. Need to check my document and submit it before the client loses all trust in my professionalism.

Am scheduled to for a massage tomorrow, so would like to get all work out of the way before I pamper myself. I'll probably be working on Monday, but it's all right. As long as I get a few hours of me time, I'll be fine. It's really, really nice not to think about work for a bit.

Will try to make time for my other gym, of course - the Lake Club. Love being on the water. It's therapy! What else can I say?

Cheers, guys. Have a good week ahead!

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