Friday, August 10, 2007

Of Illusions, Delusions and Omissions

It isn't often that I call someone an ass and mean it. I did today.

I have been dealing with so much crap lately, and being lied to is absolutely the last straw.

It's pretty obvious that I was sweet on someone, yet I accepted the fact that he loved someone else. I always treated him as a friend, yet he obviously thinks I did not deserve equal consideration, because he did not think I deserved to know that he already married.

Obviously I was not a friend, I was just one of the fawning idiots who worshipped the ground he tread on. Any time we talked, he never admitted that he was already engaged or married. He would never have told me he was with the girl if I hadn't pushed.

Of all the insults in my life, this takes the cake. Have a nice life, mate. This so called friendship is over.


Sheeta dari Laputa said...

Kak zura,

No doubts, he never treat us just like we are his fren, so that he never tell us anything. Seems like he had told us everything (mostly me) but the truth is, we never know anything about him.

I always dream to be the first one to know that he getting married, but sadly, I am just getting short SMS invited to his wedding reception(after fooling me like the foolish).

Huh ~ whut a life..... but to break the frenship after this whole time spend together is not the best way. Let he be what he is... Buat kita macam tak wujud... but... maybe he never know, orang-orang yang tak wujud inilah yang selalu menyokong dia walaupon secara diam.

.titik.~sunggoh berasa marah~

Paus Biru said...

I am nothing if not a friend. He won't miss my friendship, it has no value anyway.

Anonymous said...

It's his loss. People like that not worth to be in your circle of friends.

My 2 sens.