Friday, April 13, 2007

Catching up

Finally met up with Chris over dinner a short while ago. Busy schedules kept us from meeting up since last year even though we lived a short distance away. Well, considering he had to fly out a whopping 58 times last year... It's no wonder. The man's a workaholic la, I tell you. He was with James when I went to pick him up, and he's working through the weekend still. Well, I'll have to work too, but at least I'll be able to go out to the lake for a bit... I hope...

You know how I was feeling crappy lately, trying to deal with my new job and new bosses and stuff; but a few hours of catching up worked like a tonic. We just talked about old friends, how WWF was doing, TRAFFIC work, MY new job, new staff, old staff... and as always, we decided that we SHOULD get the old Panda team together for a party sometime. We used to hang out A LOT. These days everyone is just all over the place. Liz is back in Oz, so is Ee Phin, Yumiko's in Laos... But Nain is around, plus Fiza. Amat, San and the boys should be able to come. We were thinking of probably a party out at Steven's or a trip up to Fraser's sometime. What about it, P? You game?

There was some not so good news, and some people we had no choice but to write off as irreparably damaged (friends DO NOT lie to each other, or steal other people's identity), but all in all, it was really, really nice to catch up. Thanks, Loret. You're an angel... Hope you had fun over at Azlina's kampung...

Oh I feel SO much better now. I think I'll catch a quick episode of Grey's Anatomy before going to bed - downloaded using my trusty Limewire. Ha ha. It's working fine now. Don't ask how or why. I'm just happy it is! Have a good weekend, guys! Mwaahs :-D

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