Monday, April 10, 2006


Isn’t it ironic that all creatures, animals and humans alike, at their most unlovable, only wish to be understood and accepted for what they are? (This isn’t an original line, but can’t remember where I got it from.)

A standing cobra, hood spread, ready to strike, is in all probability trying to protect her precious clutch of eggs from intruders trespassing into her territory. And isn’t it obvious why the pit viper strikes the foot that trod on its tail?

The poisonous “cat lady” is probably just tired and lonely and can’t understand why people fail to pamper their felines as she does. Ditto the henpecked retiree who spends his time at the courthouses and coming up with asinine charges against his neighbours.

It is said that children who throw tantrums and misbehave are often cured by a firm hand and lots of TLC. The kampung cat that is covered in skin disease and poos in the house is often the most affectionate of all creatures, desperate for a drop of kindness in its wretched life. As is the idiot who calls people at all hours seeking much needed human contact (unfortunately annoying people in the process).

However, a drop of compassion often goes a long way. I was in the unenviable position of being stuck alone in a dirty, stinky home, faced with a long list of things that needed to be done and no one to help. Thanks, Inas, for being there for me, and giving me the strength to start hacking away at the stupid mess and reclaim my haven…

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