Monday, April 17, 2006

Breakfast for 2...

No, I wasn't whisked away by a tall, dark & handsome stranger to a rustic wooden house on the beach (... as if I'd ever be so lucky :-p)

Had to work in KT on Saturday. After the long day is done, went for tea with Ja, Yuz & Nooreen. BTW, Yuz kirim salam to everybody, esp D3Katians. Didn't linger for too long, Yuz & Nue had to go back to Kerteh, working next day and all that. I opted to stay with Ja instead of at the hotel, so off we went to her little kampung house by the beach. Funny thing was I didn't manage to get to the beach! Next time la ya...

We chatted a bit and then I took a much needed nap. Afterwards we walked over to have dinner near KUSTEM. It was a marvellous moonlit night, and we were planning to talk a walk by the beach. But as we were chatting, I was overcome with exhaustion and we decided to call it a night. The next day both of us woke up relatively late. Ja made drinks and fried keropok for our breakfast on the anjung. Soon, we were off to check-in at the airport and a quick brunch nearby. Went back to the airport just in time for boarding. Was home by 2.15 pm. Had time to deal with clothes and stuff before going to watch a movie with the girls. It was a good weekend...

Will come again, Ja. Promise :-)

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