Thursday, January 04, 2018

"Wallet fatigue"

Just cleared Abah's phone bill because he's in Singapore and he already hit his credit limit... Because he doesn't clear his bill immediately, he waits until it's due on the 20th. Duh!! I used to pay his Celcom bill because of Makcik's issues, but now that she's gone, he should choose one line and disconnect the other. Come on la, it's not rocket science!! 

Paid cash for the cats' food and litter sand, will soon have to buy more groceries, and I'm trying not to be a beast to my sister... But I am quite tired of buying so many eggs in a month. If you want to live solely on eggs, buy your own boleh tak? I beli sayur semua tak reti masak. Asyik makan megi aja.... Megi and roti. Kalau aku masak pandai pulak makan ye? Dia suka instant food like fish fillets and nuggets. Yang tu cepat aja habis.

I did spend a lot on the Korea trip last year. My credit card charges are too high and I'm struggling to pay off everything. It doesn't help that I may lose my job. I've been looking at my meager savings and trying to figure out how I can save more. What should I do if I lose my job? What should my next job be?

Sometimes I feel so tired of all this shit. Why can't K Ayu find a better paying job? Why can't Abah help her a little? Why can't she pay me at least a little bit? I was planning out my expenses and I end up with so little pocket money. I used to have more disposable income because I was only paying Rm380 for the car. I only had one credit card. And I used to claim a lot for external meetings. Now I'm feeling more than a little pinched.

I hesitate to bully my sister to pay up because even reduced, my pocket money is still more than her salary (according to her lah). To be fair, I need more pocket money because I need to fill up the petrol tank. I pay for stuff - electricity, cat food, groceries... My lunch money is not a lot. I need to spend on eating out with friends and buying gifts every once in a while. I can't be waiting there with my mouth open for people to feed me...

Yet she is SOO calculative about keeping the house clean. If you have to be so picky about who washes a few fucking dishes or wiping the cabinets, at what point can we start spring cleaning the cupboards? Jam mati pun tak reti nak tukar bateri.... Semua tunggu I buat. I'm so tempted to leave. Go work overseas and let her learn to take care of herself...

Sigh. I need a rich husband. ASAP. Please? :P 

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