Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Reliving Rivalries

I really need to rehome Toby... It's nice that a few people have expressed interest, but so far I haven't got a concrete commitment yet. Will need to advertise on KTAJ and Online Adoption House + Ellen Whyte.

Right now, the house is a virtual combat zone. I need to make sure Pikachu doesn't get near Toby, or else furs will fly!! Last night Toby got bored of being cooped in the room, so he ventured out. I caught Pikachu and put him inside to avoid a battle. This morning, he slipped out to eat and of course saw Toby. I barely managed to save Toby from the little terror! Then of course I got the brunt of his displeasure. Habis tangan aku kena kokak. Sigh... Dah la aku ni diabetic, kucing oi! Habis tangan kaki semua calar balar kalau Pikachu tengah mengamuk. The angel totally goes into Hellboy mode!

The other day I accidentally burnt the back of my wrist terkena iron panas. The skin sloughed off, so I had to protect the raw flesh with some protective film. This morning, he either bit or clawed the burn site and pierced right through the protective bandage. ADOOIII!!! Sakit siyot... The bandage is not cheap, but it's supposed to stay on for a few days without needing to be changed. Right now, I've changed the bandage a few times already due to all this nonsense. Sabar ajelah...

Am a bit worried about Toby, he seems quite lethargic compared to the other cats I've had so far. Maybe he tak cukup makan masa merayau kat parking lot dulu. But he can be picky about food, totally ignoring stuff he doesn't like. At least he likes the cheap food and eats loads of it. Another cost for me on top of neutering him next week...

Thank goodness Toby can hold his own in a fight and doesn't go hiding in the bloody storeroom like Nemo did! What a fiasco that was, with her falling 10 floors down and all. With Toby, I just need to make sure any wounds don't get infected and start another abscess.

Hope someone takes him in soon...The kitty litter is taking up my workspace and the idiots are all bunched up in the living room. Will have to hurry up and buy a proper home. I'm so tired of the noise in Permai.

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