Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Priorities & Balance

These days I seem to be scrambling just to keep an even keel. Many things are good, but some things threaten to put a plug in my efforts at times. I have bits and pieces I'm doing for people, plus lots of work, and the result is often lack of time. However, despite my scrambling to hand work in on time, payment will too often take it's own sweet time. Plus some that you really have to fight to actually get.

I've started going to the gym, something which I normally detest, but once you have committed to it, walking the treadmills don't seem half bad. It's just a necessary evil, which can be done at night, after work, rain or shine. Above all, I'm actually feeling good! After a while you body quits complaining and you can actually enjoy the results.

The only thing from all this work and gym sessions is that I'm hardly home, and when I am, I'm in front of the computer until I fall asleep. So my cats are definitely not getting enough TLC. Pseudo needs the vet, but I need to wait for my money to come in first. And the house is in desperate need for a cleanup. Maybe I can call for the cleaners to come. But that again will need money. It's nonsensical how I keep expecting to be paid, and yet time and time again I end up waiting and frustrated before I see anything. Urgh. Bayar cepat sikit boleh tak?

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