Tuesday, November 14, 2006

More Than One Way to Skin a Cat

Not that I would actually do it. The stray that just moved in wreaked havoc in my house last week and I still haven’t banished it to the hinterlands. Do cats REALLY bring good luck, I wonder….

In any case, the phrase means that there are many ways to do something, and some methods work better than others. Or it may be just a case of personal preference.

Digging into an orange this morning, I realised that I actually prefer to tear off the peel, mandarin style, and pop whole sections into my mouth as opposed to eating neatly sliced pieces as I was taught to do when I was young. There was a whole article in a magazine I bought once about your personality revealed by how you deal with your oranges. It said there was something prissy about neatly cutting the fruit as opposed to savagely tearing off the peel to get to the juicy flesh. I forget the details as it didn’t occur to me then that I would start eating oranges any other way.

Everyone knows that oranges are high in Vitamin C and fibers and generally are good for you. But until recently, I avoided them, mainly because of the way I was taught to eat the fruit. You see, eating orange slices is fraught with danger. You never know its acidity level until it comes into contact with your tongue. It MIGHT be nice and sweet, but too often it’s not. And not being an asam addict, thanks to my disapproving father, sour oranges is just not for me.

However, thanks to Siow Cheng, I discovered that the sections will not assault your senses until you actually bite into them. And the knowledge that you have that tiny bit of extra time to be prepared makes all the difference in the world…

So how do YOU eat your oranges? :-)

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