Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Just Screw It la...

Remember those cartoons of someone who is trying to write and discarding reams of paper in the trash? It’s a good way to illustrate a point, isn’t it?

Sometimes you’re trying to write something, and somehow you couldn’t make it work, no matter how hard you try. You twist and turn, edit and delete, scratch it and move chunks up and down. Sometimes you just hit a blank. Sometimes you finish something and upon re-reading it sounds so ridiculous you have no other option than to screw up the piece of paper, or delete the electronic file.

Or it could be a project you’re working on – a cake, a blouse, a shelf. It was a wonderful idea. This was going to turn out so right… It will be your piece de resistance…You equip yourself with good materials and tools. You get some instructions and tips from a pro. But somehow, along the way, you screw up. The thing doesn’t turn out the way you want it to be. Your cake sinks like a rock, your blouse ends up as a misshapen mess and your shelf is lopsided. Nothing you do can salvage the monstrous flop of your precious efforts.

The prudent thing would be to chuck the whole mess into the trash and forget about it. But sometimes you just can’t because you started out with material of sentimental value and to throw it out would be a shame… So you end up staring at a horrific mess that you wish would somehow turn out right, yet deep down, you know that that is one thing that will not happen. You could relegate it to the back of the store in the vain hope that someday a miracle would occur and the ugly duckling would transform into a beautiful swan. You know you should just say “Screw It!” and get rid of the monstrosity. Instead, you hem and haw, and come up with a million excuses to hang on to it when everyone is telling you to move on and get a life…

Never underestimate the power of sentiments, it rules your world with an iron fist…

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