Thursday, March 24, 2005

Hot Weather Causing Stress

I saw a report in the paper about hot weather causing stress and higher levels of anger. I'll second that. Have been very annoyed with housemate lately. Especially the one who obviously believes that there are house elves in our residence. Hello...

Stressed me enough to order 2 roti canai garing, ayam goreng and 2 teh ais. Slurped both glasses of teh ais without much ado, attacked the ayam, but surrendered just halfway into the first roti. Didn't know rotcai at Mosin's was double the usual size! Had to tapau the second one. Hope there wasn't too much damage to my cardiopulmonary system...

Speaking of cardio... My tai-kor's comment after he saw Farih's VW ad - nasib baik tak heart attack!! He he he... sorry la brader, but that's exactly why you should stop smoking...! :-p

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