Friday, October 07, 2011


It sucks being diabetic because it definitely drains your energy level. When I used to get out of bed by 8 a.m. and do all kind of things, now I just work on 1 or 2, or nothing at all. Right now I'm feeling downright sapped after the Riau stint. Am crawling to finish work and there's another damned meeting coming up today. Had a touch of mild food poisoning yesterday, so am further weakened. Been staying up late trying to catch up and it's screwing my insulin levels/insulin resistance. At least I feel less screwed after drinking air Yasin, am sure stepmom is doing *something*, but not sure what. It makes me feel disconnected and dispassionate and downright suicidal. Am seriously considering the doctor's and MC today... Haven't even bought my glucometer strips and haven't been to the gym in ages. My membership fee is just a waste unless I use the facilities :( Feel SOOOO tired. 8'(

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