Had finally moved my big bed from the other house because my brats take up too much bed space to share. Unfortunately, its mattress had been 'reclaimed' by original owner. Dammit! Now I have to fork out an extra RM500 or so to replace it. Sigh. Is there no end to these expensive expenses?
Since it's quite a chunk of dough, I have decided to really window shop before actually buying a new mattress. Little did I realise how much a 'standard' spring mattress costs! RM500 can only buy me a standard local brand, which seems to be of pretty good quality and comes with a 10 yr guarantee. Other shops - can get imported, but no warranty! Want warranty, pay extra RM200. Aiyo... like that also can ah?
Haven't quite made up my mind, so in the meantime, am using the single mattress that comes with the house. See la, so cacat. Single mattress on a queen bed. Just imagine the gaps are actually shelf space for my reading materials lar, what to do?
Ha ha... am so mengantuk now. Better go to sleep lah. The brats are outside tonight. Thank God. More space for me!
Thank you for fostering Hitam for me! It really is lucky that she found a good home with Imam. Imam says he and his wife let Hitam sleep with them. So there is a happy ending to this story.
I love your organic chillies, by the way. Success!
No worries, babe. YOU're the one that did most of the work... Glad I could help a little.
Chilly plants are not doing too well, unfortunately. Also antsy about weight of pots on grille. Next round sticking to herbs lah.
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