Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Conditional Love

Went to a forum last night. Missed their dinner, so came back tired and hungry and broke (tak sempat ambik duit, ATM dah tutup). Sister kindly informed me that Bubu got trapped in my room earlier, so first thing I checked for was for poo. Didn't smell anything immediately so I thought I was safe. Unfortunately, there was poo on the bed - under my blankie. Ugh. Gross!!

Accidents like these have been happening far too often. Sometimes I close the door, not realising that one of the bloody cats was stretched on top of the cupboard or under my bed, well out of sight. Sometimes I left the door ajar, only to have it slam shut sometime in the day. Unable to escape thru the window (no ledge, 10th floor) - they often resort to showing their displeasure by sabotaging my bed. NOT a pleasant situation to discover after a long day at work plus other activities. Sigh.

Hujung minggu ni kerja lagi. Even less time to deal with dirty clothes, kena tambah lagi compromised linen. Hadooiii.... I have no energy left for this.... Hate the stupid brats...


~CovertOperations78~ said...

Sigh! I totally sympathise! At one point, when I was fostering cats, one of my Rowdies decided to show his displeasure by peeing on the rugs and on my blanket. Still, I must admit that pee is easier to deal with than poo. Here's hoping things get better for you.

Paus Biru said...

Thanks, babe. They're better behaved when I give them more TLC. Maybe they're just looking for attention...? Sabar ajelah...