Friday, January 04, 2008

What We Need..

Sometimes, all we need is some reassurance. An encouraging message from a friend, a kind word, something to tell you that you did not royally screw up.

Was getting very worried about my translation work until I called Surin and he assured me that the work was actually 'pretty good'. Okay. A B minus, probably. As long it's not a big fat D or E... Good. Then I might actually get paid. I had nightmares of the work being rejected and bla bla bla... Sheez.

A few other things kind of nags at me constantly, and I think I'm not breathing very well lately. I kind of miss pakcik being around to assure me that I'm not a total loss like some people insisted I was. In any case, I suppose I can hang in there a little longer, and I just hope the year gets better as it progresses. Better than starting high and going downhill, right?

BTW, I swear I saw some messages from P and Jeff on the taggie the other day, tapi hari ni dah hilang. Kena tarik balik ke? Anyhow, assuming that I wasn't hallucinating, thanks for the kind wishes, and wish everyone a great year ahead.

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