Friday, November 23, 2007

Of Wooly Brains and Shots in the Dark...

Why do some things come out of the blue and jar you out of your comfort zone just when you just settled in?

Have made up my mind to sod employment and register as a sole proprietor when suddenly my darling Bollywood star calls me and tempts me with a job opening in his department. Unable to resist, I submitted my application and this afternoon found myself in his office, being interviewed.

It was kind of hard to explain why I applied for that job when I've been happily freelancing for half a year. And I tried so hard not to overpromise, I might as well have written down - don't give me the job. Sigh. And since my career history goes rambling all over the place, I don't think I impressed anyone of my single-minded pursuit of glory. Double sigh.

Don't you just hate it when you analyze every minute of the interview in your head and suddenly realise the crucial points that you failed to make? Like why in the world did I not make the point that Internal Audit is all about COMPLIANCE. The most crucial keyword, and I failed to put it across? I might as well have been a foetus who knows nothing. Sheez. And it was such a good opportunity...

Oh well... since my life is full of all kinds of surprises and miracles, maybe I'll get another one and somehow get this one too. You never know, do you? :-)

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