Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Zakat kucing???

Masa balik raya hari tu, pergi la rumah nenek sedara ni. Ada ibu kucing kat sana. Anak dia sorang tu (pangkat makcik) tu ngadu la, diorang bela kucing nak control tikus, tapi si ibu ni asyik beranak la pulak. Pastu dia kata tak sempat nak bawak anak kucing tu buang kat rumah sedara lagi satu yang suka kucing. I feel that this is a very irresponsible way of doing things.

Since we all selalu duduk rumah sedara yang lagi satu tu kalau balik kampung, I know macam mana keadaan rumah dia dan keadaan kucing2 tu. It seems semua orang kat kampung tu dispose anak kucing diorang kat rumah dia. Dah terlampau banyak sampai tak terjaga. Hari tu diorang buatkan kandang, tapi lantainya simen. Memang senang nak cuci, tapi baunya busuk ya Rabbi! Lagipun, diorang tu bukannya kaya raya. Nak kasi makan kucing tak cukup duit, so bagilah apa yang ada. Rata2 semua kucing2 kat situ bantut and berpenyakit. Tak zalim ke namanya buat kucing macam tu? Yang dibenarkan masuk rumah, suka berak kencing merata2. Lagipun, tak adil la masing2 lepas tangan buang kucing kat satu rumah tu aje, assuming the lady will take them in. Take in boleh la, tapi jaganya tak betul!! cara mudah elak kucing beranak - kasi makan antibiotik, biar gugur. Dia kata pil mandul, I tanya vet, dia kata no such thing! I pernah bawak balik some of the cats, semua mati or lari pasal memang dah berpenyakit semua.

Bila tanya makcik yang mula tu kenapa tak mandulkan aje, dia kata takut berdosa. Habih tu buat diorang menderita tak dosa la pulak. Kucing tu bukan macam manusia. Only humans & one other species enjoy sex for pleasure. Yang lain tu semua out of natural urge to reproduce. Kalau tak beranak pun diorang tak rasa rugi. I tak sanggup tengok kucing kena langgar sana sini, buang sesuka hati, merayau2 mintak makanan, kena pukul, kena simbah air panas... kesian...

From experience, mama cats can be a pain in the ass. First, they tend to become flatulent, dok kentut aje. Busuk pulak tu. Then selalu cirit/ coroi. Then bergaduh dengan kucing lain to protect their babies. Case in point - Mama cat & Leo. Kesian my cat curi2 balik rumah makan takut Mama Cat pukul. Then satu hal nak carikan rumah untuk the babies. Nak bela semua, mahal sangat. Kalau setakat kasi makan, ok la. Kalau dah sakit? Sekali pegi vet dah beratus2 habis. Semput makcik! Yang jantan pulak, suka memancit & bergaduh. Merayau2, balik dah calar balar sakit. Kesian la pulak. Kalau dah fix, diorang happy jer. Lagipun, takde la diorang kencingkan kasut orang sebelah. Itu hak jiran tu, kena jaga.

Hukumnya: This is what I found dekat website Jakim:-

Apakah hukumnya jika kita memandulkan/mengembirikan binatang peliharaan seperti kucing jantan dan betina?

Hukum mengembirikan/memandulkan kucing peliharaan adalah haram sekiranya memberi kemudaratan kepada kucing berkenaan.

Namun begitu, sekiranya bilangannya sudah terlalu banyak dan tidak sempat untuk menguruskannya, maka kucing tersebut bolehlah dimandulkan untuk menjaga maslahah ammah. Wallahu ‘alam.


As I understand, the operation is safe if performed properly, so not mudarat to the animal. Since the reason I spay/castrate my cats is so that I can take better care of them, my conscience is clear. Lagipun, I find that kucing jantan yang dikembirikan masa kecik (<1 yr), they are still active, pandai berburu & still pandai bergaduh bila perlu. females pun OK aje. Takde la jadi bodoh & obese macam orang kata. Kucing kampung pun kalau dijaga elok, lawa & menghiburkan. Tak payah beli baka mahal2 pun.

Pastu, tetiba terdengar pulak ada org kata kucing yg dah mandul kena bayar zakat... Zakat?? Makcik ni takde la tau sangat hukum hakam agama, tapi tak pernah la pulak dengar yang kucing yang dimandulkan kena bayar zakat. Yang amazingnya, orang yang kata tu cakap pernah disebut dalam khutbah Jumaat! Oleh itu terpaksa la makcik mencari jawapannya dari sumber2 yang boleh dipercayai. Finally found this dekat website Pusat Pungutan Zakat.

Bagaimana zakat untuk kucing sekiranya hendak dimandulkan?

Kewajipan menunaikan zakat hanya ke atas orang Islam sahaja yang cukup syarat wajib berzakat.


So I hope this post will help convince orang2 yang masih ragu2 dalam hal ini supaya kita boleh berhenti menganiaya haiwan, walaupun secara tidak sengaja. Buang kat tempat makan atau pasar tu OK la sikit pasal harap2 ada yang sanggup kasi makan, tapi kalau boleh, nak bela, bela la betul2. Wallahu a'lam.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Forrest Grump

A messy house is so not good for me. Was about to leave for work when I decided to fry some cekodok for breakfast. Kitchen was a veritable mess. Everything needed cleaning up. Lost my temper when mama cat closed in on my cekodok batter. Now she's gone into hiding and I'm feeling rather guilty. But then, she has her food, and there's lots of biscuits which she now mengada-ngada refuse to eat. I haven't had time to buy and serve fresh fish for a long time. I haven't had time for anything the past few weeks! My garden is a veritable jungle. Loret's dill has beranak pinak and I have no idea what to do with the herbs! I wish people will quickly come and pick up their kittens so I'll have less mess to worry about. K Ayu will have to take Obi for vaccination tomorrow. Should be able to fix them in a couple of weeks time. Not really in the mood for Singapore, too many loose ends to tie up over here. Am still at sea about documents and people needed for Monday. No one else has stepped up to take care of things while I'm trying to finish stuff. Been spending too much money on various things. I'm tired. Work - busy as usual.

Went to work anyway, counting on her colleagues to cheer her up as the day progresses. Driving along, got stuck behind super slow Citra. Oi! Lesen kopi-O ke? Press horn. Nothing. Horn broken. Yeesh. Roundabout - needless jam because no one follows traffic rules. Drive into crappy parking lot - most spots closer to gate is full (obviously, what did you expect?). Then grumpy ol' git (that's me) decided to squeeze her M sized car in an XS sized space because it's nearer. Managed to squeeze in without harming anyone, but discovered that SHE could not exit. Drizzling some more and reluctant to open bulky big payung. Carrying heavy watermelon pakcik gave her and don't think can finish at home. Move car? No way! In the end, put payung on roof, bag and food on the ground and squeezed herself out of car.

On the way up, ignored old parking lot uncle and totally dissed gatal old guard. Dammit, I want my cute young guard back! Now have had some cekodok and chocolate, so feeling a little better. Hope the day improves as we go along. Getting more work done would surely cheer me up!

Monday, October 05, 2009

Backing Up

It seems that inanimate objects do have feelings too.
My simple old phone works perfectly and I have no reason to replace it just yet. It IS 3 yrs old and sometimes do funny things, a sign that the electronics may be starting to age. But as I said, still doesn't need to be replaced until it dies...
Well, I fell a little in love with the E63 when I saw Endang's last June. Diyana wanted one too so I went and temankan her look for one in Mustafa. Off and on, I'd wander to a phone shop and enquire about the E63. Not that my phone needed replacing immediately, but I wanted to have some kind of idea what I'd replace it with just in case it died. Caught unawares, I might not have the cash to buy the replacement I like. New phones are not cheap and the cheap ones don't seem to appeal anymore. I think I'd like one that could pick up my emails if necessary and bluetooth stuff to my laptop for backup purposes. I also don't want to spend too much hard earned money on it. My office does not pay 6 months bonus, and whatever extra money I make are all earmarked for something else. Got a bit excited when a guy in DigiMall said he could get me one for RM880, original. Seems a pretty good offer, and I suppose I could save up a couple of months for it.
Got a bit of a shocker when later that afternoon my current phone went on the blink and started asking for the Sim which was, of course, already inside. Eeps! Maybe it felt that I had 'strayed' by 'looking at sexier new models' in its presence. Had to pujuk my phone and reassure "it" that I'm not ready to buy a new phone and beg it not to quit immediately. Nasib baik it complied and started working again. Adoi. Phone pun dah pandai merajuk. But at least now I know what I'd like to get next :) Just don't tell my phone, OK? Heh.